Addicted to Words

The random musings of a mom who's addicted to the written word.

Location: United States

I am a Christian, homeschooling mom of four kids - Hannah, Ben, Becca, and Michaela. I love learning and creativity, and I want to instill those passions in my children as well.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Progress toward what aim?

"We will only say that we do not comprehend either man as a starting-point, or progress as the goal, without those two forces which are the two great motors, faith and love. Progress is the aim, the ideal is the model. What is the ideal? It is God." (Hugo, Les Miserables, "Cosette", Book Seventh, VI, 451-2)

Progress stands as the great ideal of modern civilization. People allow, even encourage, anything that points to such progress. Stem cell research, cloning, homosexual marriage, safe and legal abortions - all count as progress. "But," one must ask, "progress toward what goal?"

This progress originates in pride. Societies set their own rules, their own standards. Thus, one reasons, "Embryos cannot be alive if I do not believe they are. Homosexuality cannot be wrong if it feels right to me. I should not have to carry or give birth to a baby if it inconveniences me or jeopardizes my plans." Do faith and love drive this progress? Does this progress aim for the true ideal?

To what aim do we progress? These developments lead only to a society where the individual replaces God. True progress only occurs when society moves toward God, instead of rejecting Him; when it conforms more closely to His perfect ideal.


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